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A Quick, Simple and Easy Blogging Calendar

Dec 14, 2020

The day I first came across Aeon timeline I was wrapped.  I’d been searching for a way to record all my character info, to view how the characters related to locations and how both of these items related to the timeline in my story.

Three years on and I am still using Aeon Timeline on a daily basis.  I use it for both my fiction writing and also for planning.  Yep! That’s correct, you can also use Aeon Timeline for planning events, book launches and your Blog’s Editorial Calendar – loads of writer and blogger options.

How I Plot With Aeon Timeline

Watch the video to see an example of how I plot my quick and simple blogging calendar.

How do you plan your Blogging Calendar?

Is it as quick and simple is mine?  What do you use when you plot and plan your blog?

I’d love to hear which tools are in your Bloggers Toolkit.  Drop me a comment below and share your favourites.

Fast Brainstorming

Aeon Timeline is brilliant for brainstorming fast.  The process is to create an ‘event’ for each blog idea you have and just list them down.Then go through them and categorise them to suit your blog.  I use these categories:

  • Expert Tips
  • Community
  • Promotion
  • Demo
  • Webinar
  • Case Study
  • Brand Awareness

You can create your own to suit your blog and then simply sort your blog ideas.  The fastest way is to drag and drop individual events, or a group of them.  Alternatively, you can use the “Event Inspector” and its various tabs.

Adding a few more posts while travelling is a productive way to spend 15 minutes.  When I can grab only a few minutes here or there, I try and have a brainstorm to think of ideas for upcoming posts.

Ideally, I like to have a few months of ideas planned out.  Then I can plan to work through the ideas in the order I’ve outlined them and I don’t have to re-plan each time.  I know exactly which posts to work on each week.  What a time saver that is.

Edit Your Plan

After brainstorming blog ideas and categorising them.  I also space them out and slot them into which day of the week they’ll be published.  I can then link them together so that if I have to move a post, all the following posts will move and everything keeps in sync.  Much quicker than having to re-plan everything.

I then use the Relationship View within Aeon Timeline (as opposed to the default Timeline View) to give me a visual on how I’ve ordered and spaced my ideas.

You want to aim for a sprinkling of different types of information and post types (video, text, images, tutorial) and the Relationship View helps me with this.  If I see I have too many of the same software, or too many of the same category published next to each other I can simply drag and drop to move them around.

Aeon Timeline really is a Quick and Simple Blogging Calendar.

So what do you think?

I’d love to know if you use Aeon Timeline what you use it for and what you think of it.



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